Thursday, May 16, 2013


A few things from this last week that I just didn't get around to posting:

You were wrong, the imaginary form of something that was never there.Carving out more emptiness than what was there to start.
Unreal fake flattery.
Reality bitter reality.
You were never really mine.
Fade your face in time.

Sometimes I want more than anything to disappear.
To not feel.
Detach myself from this all too sullied flesh.
This process is never pretty.
And I have to remind myself that this is what I need to learn to stop doing this shit over and over again
If I don't shake this feeling I might not return

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


It is the choke hold grip of reality that has made me this way. It is the negative that is what's real. I may not have been blessed with the ability to cope with it, but I have been blessed with the ability to realize it. Fairy tales aren't true and bad things happen to good undeserving people. It isn't a matter of treating others how you want to be treated,  Humans are inherently selfish creatures. This race is damned.

Wishes denote a broken heart.

We the people, forsaken by the rapture of kindred spirits and lofty disappointing dreams.