Me: sad as it is i miss that dumb nigga
made me feel like i was living on the edge kinda"
Pem: I really thought about what the hell you just said ...
& I understand where you're coming from.
I know you ain't lying about "feeling like you was living on the edge".
It's not bad to miss someone that you really care about ...
But ... it maybe bad to have feelings for someone who's not fully into you the way you are for them.
Not saying that he doesn't care for you either ...
But it's obvious he isn't on the same level you are.
Me: I know
It's not that serious..just miss being around him
Pem: If it wasn't that serious, you wouldn't have mentioned it.
Me: you missing the point
i didnt mention it cause it was serious
serious would be pickin up and going out there
Pem: Si si ...
I understand.
But I have a question ...
Me: Hmm?
Pem: If you could, would you?
Me: nah
not my place..i mean my place is not with him
i mean sure he's good company but he's not a good person to be honest
Pem: Do you really feel that way? That he's not a good person?
Fuck what I think, how do you REALLY feel about him?
Me: he just is
he's a really really strange creature
the words to describe him I can't say..predictably unpredictable maybe
in ways
don't know..I would be able to say if I knew/understood the workings of his mind
Pem: I hear ya ... you make sense.
Me: I don't know..I dunno when that fool is sincere or not..I don't know what he means..I don't know why he does the things he does..and I don't know why I ever cared